Yesterday was Thursday, but it felt like Friday to me. I think it was due to all of the activity here at Mission Bay RV Resort. Rigs were pulling in and setting up all afternoon – we usually see this on Fridays, especially if it’s a holiday weekend.
Later, as I took a walk, I remembered why there was so much activity. This weekend is the Susan G. Komen three-day walk to raise money for breast cancer. At this time last year, the RV park filled up with participants and supporters. The parking lot at Crown Point Shores is closed to the public this weekend. Large tents were erected there. Participants, family and friends are allowed to camp there for the weekend.
A motorhome pulled into the site behind us in the afternoon. They had a Susan G. Komen banner in the windshield. I should have remembered them from last year – more on that later.
Donna’s sister, Linda, flew home to Vermont for Thanksgiving. Donna drove her to the airport. We’ll have her car until she returns on the 29th.
Later, I drove over to Dan Diego’s to turn in my football picks for the week and collect a free drink. This week’s winner was the bartender at Dan Diego’s. I’m really having a hard time picking winners this season. It’s been crazy. Teams that look invincible one week are beat by teams that seem inferior the next week.
Part of my problem may be that I’m a fan. Specifically, I’m a San Diego Chargers fan. I try to be logical and use my head, not my heart when I fill out the football pool. Deep down, I have scenarios that I would like to see play out that work in favor of the Chargers. This can lead to negative cheering – what I mean is, if I’m watching a divisional rival’s game, I’m hoping they lose. I’ve gotten better at leaving the negativity out of it and just enjoying good games, but when you’re a fan, you want things to go a certain way.
Every week I study the injury reports, I look at the Las Vegas odds, then I use my gut feelings and make my picks. Last Thursday, when I turned in my football sheet, I saw Courtney – the bartender at Dan Diego’s – fill out her sheet. It took her a few minutes. She asked a couple of questions about some of the teams – what’s their record, what did they do last week, etc. She doesn’t follow the NFL too closely. She won the pool.
I came home to watch the Thursday Night Football game on the NFL network. The Oakland Raiders were hosting the Kansas City Chiefs. As a Charger fan, I’m a Raider hater. It’s a bitter rivalry between the Chargers and Raiders that dates back to 1960. But since the Raiders were playing against the Chiefs, I had to root for the Raiders. The Chiefs were tied for first in the division with the Broncos – San Diego is one game behind. The Raiders pulled off an improbable win last night after losing 16 straight games, dropping the Chiefs’ record to 7-4.
Donna was out during the game. She was invited to be a guest speaker at a the monthly meeting of a minimalists group. When she returned, we watched TV for a while, then turned in.
I’ve been leaving the awning out most nights. It keeps the dew off things outside and we usually have very little wind at night. I should have checked the forecast. The wind picked up in the night and I was awakened by the sound of the awning bouncing in the wind. I got up and retracted the awning.
I had trouble getting back to sleep, but eventually I drifted off. Then I was jolted awake again by loud voices. It was 5am. Someone called out, “Hey, there you are!” Loud conversation was taking place in the dark outside our bedroom. Apparently, the motorhome with the Susan G. Komen banner behind us is the meet-up spot for the walkers staying here in the RV park. I should have remembered this rig. They did the same thing last year.
Last year, one of our neighbors complained to them, but they were noisy every morning. I think I’ll talk to the security guys today. I don’t want two more mornings of this behavior.